Tag Archives: coffee

Establish your coffee kiosk

Custom Coffee Kiosks

Among the many businesses that exist for food, the Kiosk is one of the most popular because it has the advantage of being a business that does not require large space. In this article we will teach you how to establish a Coffee Kiosk.

This turns out to be a good Business Idea since you can place it in a very busy place, which makes it accessible because of the little space it needs; In this way you can generate profits by positioning yourself in squares, shopping centers, terminals, etc.

What to sell?

The kiosks are known to sell multiple products among which we can list: jewelry, sunglasses, massage service, cell phone accessories, clothing, perfumes and foods such as crepes, pretzels , donuts, snacks etc.

However, to get more profits we suggest you invest a little more. In this case we will take as an example a food kiosk, but to be more exact, a cafeteria.

In recent years, this type of kiosks have become popular because they offer a simple appetizer but that people like, because many like the aroma of coffee or eat a freshly prepared crepe.

Practically, with this coffee kiosk idea, you can sell the same as a coffee shop without having to buy all the machinery that a local requires.

What do you need?

I will limit myself to the generalities of initial investment, that is, only what is necessary when you start this type of business.

Although you are thinking of establishing a coffee kiosk, then I recommend you consider the following elements in which you will have to invest:

  • Industrial Blender: It has the advantage of enduring rough use, take into account that in it you will need to mix and grind many products, including ice.
  • Express machine: Which has a capacity to make up to 200 cups of coffee per day.
  • Frigobar : It is a good option to store your organic products and at the same time save a lot of space for the practicality of its size, it is much more advisable than a refrigerator.
  • Mini-showcases: Very important to seduce with the first look. Some muffins, cakes or biscuits organized, can be the difference in sales.
  • Tables and chairs.
  • Glasses and cups: You must know what size you will require, because you could offer only small and large glasses, or include the medium size.

As you can see, the possibilities with a kiosk are many, despite the small size it has, it is a very profitable option for those who start a business with a low investment.

If you want more information about kiosks, I recommend you visit our site where you will find what you are looking for. If you prefer, contact us and we will gladly help you.