Category Archives: Mannequin display cases
Mannequin showcases for suits

Mannequin showcases not always used in clothing boutiques. They are also ideal for collectors.
In some museums we can appreciate all kinds of objects. However, mannequin showcases are common as well. They exhibit all kinds of costumes or representations. It is common to see how they create a whole atmosphere for that section only.
However, one must be very careful when decorating them. Some showcases are not very well fitted, but ours are. We have extended warranty and various security systems. In addition to control.
These include temperature and humidity control. Our mannequin showcases are quality.
Mannequin display cabinets and stores

Mannequin display cabinets s are a high quality product on the market. In many cases, also high cost.
Some mannequin display cabinets are usually very expensive due to the material. However, they unlike us do not offer the design that is our choice.
Design is the main line for our company. With the sole purpose of meeting your expectations, we created this option. Because you will be able to design from glass thickness to dimensions.
These mannequin display cabinets are perfect not only for fashion collections, but also for costumes or museums. In them you can put a whole background behind and hang accessories.
We have the option of adding lighting to this type of showcases and in different directions.

mannequin display cabinet
Beautiful mannequin display cases, that are custom made, do not have to cost that much as some might believe.
Our mannequin showcases are made using high quality aluminum extrusion and very durable laminate or painted panels.
Our production time lines are approximately 3 weeks for manufacturing and delivery and this counts for all of the USA.
Some photo’s below will show you the kind of display cases we make.
The Management.