Category Archives: custom display cases
How to set your showcases

If you’re looking at opening a new retail shop or you have a shop you want to redesign, you have to consider the store layout that’s most convenient for the type of merchandise and customers you have.
Exterior signage and displays are the invitation to enter your store, and once a person steps inside, they need to make their way through easily. Setting your showcases in a way they guide customers through the store, exposing them to product.
Keep in mind, studies show that 90% of people tend to turn right after entering a space, starting a circulation trail through whatever store layout you’ve designed. Use it to strike an impression.
How people experience your store is a big part of your brand that needs to be as carefully crafted as other aspects of your brand.
Give us a call, and we’ll gladly assist you into chosing the right showcases for you!